District T-mobile joins the #LightItBlue initiative.
April 30, 2020

Today the T-Mobile Center, in San Patricio Village and T-Mobile District were painted blue twice in honor of health professionals and other essential workers in the fight against the global pandemic. The company provides community support focused on health and education.

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - April 30, 2020 - T-Mobile District joins the global effort #LightItBlue, to honor the healthcare professionals, first responders and essential service providers who are working in this emergency and today, the T-Mobile Center in San Patricio Village and T-Mobile District, in Santurce, exchanged their traditional magenta for blue.

“We want to thank the healthcare professionals, the staff who provide essential services and all the people who are offering services during this emergency,” said Jorge Martel, general manager and vice president of T-Mobile Puerto Rico. Along with our engineers, technicians, call center staff and everyone in our company who has not hesitated to respond to the call to connect ours,” he added.

Federico Stubbe, Jr., president of PRISA Group, developer of the T-Mobile District, said that "the illumination of the T-Mobile District structure is our recognition of the work done by health personnel in all medical facilities on the island, their dedication and commitment. It also symbolizes the effort that all Puerto Ricans are making to combat this pandemic and the light that guides us to positively face all the challenges it has imposed on us.

This initiative is accompanied by efforts that seek to offer support through technology to those on the front line in this crisis, the third sector and to continue bridging the digital divide. "We remain focused on supporting our communities and our people," Martel said. T-Mobile provides equipment and voice service & data throughout the year to several non-profit institutions that provide service to different sectors, and during this emergency they will have unlimited data on their Smartphones plus an additional 10 GB of mobile hotspot. Also. T-Mobile has responded to support individual cases such as students from Barranquitas, Caguas and Humacao, who needed service in order to complete distance education.

T-Mobile also provided support through 5G material and devices to entrepreneurs from the Engine 4 project, which serves as an interface for the production of face shields to protect first responders. In recent weeks, this collective has distributed thousands of units of protective equipment to hospital personnel, emergency management and police, among others. "We are grateful to T-Mobile, as with their 5G technology we can remotely access the unit to monitor and speed up the production of the face shields being made with a 3D printer. This allows us to donate face shields for healthcare professionals in hospitals, CDTs, laboratories, and others around the island," said Luis Armando Torres, co-founder of Engine-4.

“Puerto Rico has a Telecommunications infrastructure that is good as anything else the rest of the world has to offer. In December, T-Mobile launched the first and only 5G network in Puerto Rico, with coverage in areas of all towns, including Vieques and Culebra, and we continue to invest to make Puerto Rico a center of technological innovation,” Martel said. "45% of the population do not have internet at home and 25% do not have smartphones. This combination of a lack of appropriate equipment and connection translates into a population at risk, since they cannot access services or support, or generate income. This goes beyond restoring commercial operations, it is a humanitarian issue.”

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